Hi there, I'm Nicole!

And just like you, I wear a lot of different hats. I’m a blogger, athlete and architectural engineer. I’m a daughter, granddaughter, niece and friend.

I started this blog because I often felt lonely as a Christian, female athlete. Over the years, there have been very few coaches and teammates that share my beliefs. It can be hard to stand strong when you’re surrounded by people who aren’t trying to live like Christ, but I’m here to remind you that you’re not alone. God can use that gift of athleticism for His glory and empower you to be brave and dream big.

My mission is simple – to help you become the person God created you to be by providing motivation and tools to be authentic, live well, adventure often and achieve big dreams.



Be Brave Dream Big was created to be a safe place for you to come and be encouraged, to let your guard down and just be you. A space to learn about your goals and be inspired to go on an adventure. A place to get ideas on living a healthy life in faith, mind, body and spirit. My friend, this is a place for you to see there are other women just like you living Christ centered lives and glorifying God through sport.

One of the most powerful tools that God’s grace gives us is the ability to dream — to plan, imagine, hope, and succeed. God made you a dreamer, and He gives you the strength to see those dreams succeed for Him.

Whether you are a student athlete, weekend warrior, or crossfit queen, I want every woman who joins the tribe to feel empowered to make a difference in her world.

Athlete Life

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had to overcome a few obstacles in your life. Facing new and unexpected hurdles can be daunting, but with a little encouragement and a big dose of bravery you can do what initially looked impossible. Sports have taught me the importance of being part of a team and the power of a good pep talk. I’m here to be your personal cheerleader, friend and coach as you encounter all life brings your way.

Athlete Life

Here’s my commitment to you

I’ll coach you through the tough stuff, talk about life, health, beauty and all things sports. I’ll share about the joy and sadness, failure and triumphs, and help you live a deeply rich and meaningful life strengthened in your faith. I will bring you the very best of what I’m living and learning, and keep it real and honest as I go.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. The best way to stay connected is to subscribe via email. You can also find me on Instagram, where I share lots of fun training, travel, and bobsled photos. Of course, you can always comment on blog posts or if you’d rather contact me directly, you send me an email me at info@bebravedreambig.com–I’d love to hear from you!

Be Brave Dream Big blogger Nicole Vogt

Want to know more about me?

Be Brave Dream Big blogger Nicole Vogt wearing a bobsled uniform