Hi! I’m Nicole.

From winning a Big XII championship rowing title, to making the USA bobsled national team, and competing in World Championships – I’ve done so much more in life than I ever imagined. God took me way beyond my childhood dream of being a NCAA Division 1 athlete.

Today I’m a blogger, bobsled pilot, architectural engineer, daughter and friend, and this truth is still the same. God loves me, and being an athlete is my calling. The strength, identity, and foundation of my life is in the faith that God has given me. Each day is another chance to reach my potential and to live a life of joy and purpose. With God all things are possible!

How It All Began…

As a little girl, I was gangly, tall, and completely unathletic. I accepted Christ into my heart at seven years old and knew with confidence that God loved me. Then sports came into my life a few years later (when I’d gained some coordination), and they’ve taught me many life lessons. Together with family, they’ve shaped the foundation of who I am today. Through ups and downs, going off to college and starting adulthood, I’ve been stable in my who I am and what I believe.

Since 2011, I’ve been part of the USA women’s bobsled team, and my goal is to compete in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. The biggest low of my career thus far was failing to make the 2018 Olympic team. The highlight was placing 9th in the 2019 World Championships in Whistler, Canada. To learn more about my bobsled career, head over to my website or my USABS athlete page.

Knowing God has good plans in store for me has taken off so much pressure to perform. His unconditional love has allowed me to be brave and dream big, and I want you to know you can be brave and dream big too.

Through it all, my foundation of faith has been my backbone; my source of truth, hope, and strength. Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite verse. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I’m who I am today because of the grace of God and His plans for me.

What does Be Brave and Dream Big mean to me?

Let’s be real. I’m an imperfect child of a loving and gracious God who is rooted in faith and the truths of God. This is how I know that whatever challenges come my way and no matter how many mistakes I make, the Lord is with me and on my side. Because of Him, I can be brave and dream big.

God wants that for you too!

I know I was born to be an athlete, but I also believe I am here to encourage YOU and help lead you to God and the life you were designed to live. Be Brave Dream Big is a website dedicated to living life on purpose, in pursuit of God’s best. To me, that means a life rich with relationships, purpose, health, and adventure. My mission is to provide motivation and tools to be authentic, achieve big dreams, and live adventurously.

Be Brave Dream Big blogger Nicole Vogt smiling while reading a book

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. The best way to stay connected is to subscribe via email. You can also find me on Instagram, where I share lots of fun training, travel, and bobsled photos. Of course, you can always comment on blog posts or if you’d rather contact me directly, you send me an email me at info@bebravedreambig.com–I’d love to hear from you!

Be Brave Dream Big blogger Nicole Vogt