And so the adventure begins! Welcome to Be Brave Dream Big. I’m so excited to start inspiring you to be authentic, achieve your dreams, and live adventurously.

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? Like you do the same things all the time because it’s comfortable and there’s some level of control within the familiar? I have been there, and I’m guessing you have too. Fear traps us into fitting in, thinking small, and maintaining the status quo. But the encouragement and coaching of just one new person can be the push we need to accomplish our dreams and goals.

Sports have taught me that learning from a multiple sources is always valuable. When I’m struggling to understand a bobsled driving concept in a curve, I talk to a different coach or pilot until I find one who explains it in a way that makes sense to me. They help me to see things from a new perspective, and I’m here to do the same for you.

The Best Is Yet To Come

My goal is to help you branch out, to dream bigger and stretch your limits. I will introduce you to new places, new food, new ideas that will help you see things from a new perspective. My hope is that site motivates you to be the best you can be.

This is a space for you to be unapologetically yourself. We’re all friends here. A spot to discover your identity and unlock your potential. A safe place to dream big, to discover what God created you to do. It’s also a site to learn about making healthy choices for your body, mind, and spirit. I’m here to encourage you to be try new things because we’re all a little braver when a friend is there to cheer for you along the way. My hope is that your confidence soars and you know you’re not alone. You can do more than you think and reach more people than you realize. 

Here’s where the adventure begins for both of us!

The Adventure Begins

Get started now and learn 3 steps to conquer your fear of trying new things.

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